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Allot of the visuals were my responsibility the art direction and because we were a small team the 3D models as well.

The game was set in one big map with 3 segments :

the starting area (red)

the slam area (green)

the dash area (blue).

the very first Unity project i got to work on as a student.

This game was made with a team of 3, me and two other students.

I was in charge of the Visual design and Programing for this project. 

Armodill is a basic platformer in wich u are a armodillo who can transform in two different creatures a green ape who slams down on the ground and a Blue fish who dashes through the air.

The game is segmented to show what creature u need to use for that part. Its also nicer to have some visual variety  throughout your game

The third and final segment of the game is themed in blue as to hint to your fish creature.

The game isn't lengthy.

We had two weeks to make everything from start to finish.

Thanks to the time limit we decided to focus on one level thats segmented in 3 parts.

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